V. Age-Friendly Communities, Kinscripts, Families, and Elderscapes: Transforming Cultural Spaces for Aging


Web Special: The Villages Retirement Community: ‘Disney World for Adults.’ Oct. 11, 2017, US News and World Report  https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/apr/08/the-villages-florida-retirement-community

Web Special: A Jimmy Buffett branded community in Florida: THE FUTURE OF AGING JUST MIGHT BE IN MARGARITAVILLE  https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2018/11/14/magazine/tech-design-longevity-margaritaville.html

Ibasho Movement  https://www.ibasho.org/web/

Elders Leading Resilience Video  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0oON18Mdb9M

Elders leading the way to resilience: Impact of Ibasho cafe on the level of social capital  https://www.ibasho.org/web/researches

Web Special: What Have We Learned From 30 Years of ‘Aging in Place’?,  https://www.citylab.com/equity/2015/03/what-have-we-learned-from-30-years-of-aging-in-place/389201/

Web Special: How Neighborhoods Affect the Health and Well-Being of Older Americans . https://www.prb.org/resources/how-neighborhoods-affect-the-health-and-well-being-of-older-americans/

Web Special: Moving toward age – friendly communities and environments: AARP: The 8 Domains of Livability: Case Studies  https://www.aarp.org/livable-communities/network-age-friendly-communities/info-2015/8-domains-of-livability-case-studies.html

Web Special: Better Together: A Comparative Analysis of Age-Friendly and Dementia Friendly Communities, AARP 2016  https://extranet.who.int/agefriendlyworld/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/IAReport_BetterTogether_v4.pdf

Project to Follow: The Aging Readiness & Competitiveness Report  https://arc.aarpinternational.org/

Web Special: Interactive web-documentary on ageing in urban South Asia through the various elderscapes there, such as in New Delhi, India and Kathmando, Nepal  https://kjc-sv038.kjc.uni-heidelberg.de/elderscapes/

The Dr. Patch Adams Gesundheit Institute  www.patchadams.org/

Oprah on Laughter Yoga  https://www.laughteronlineuniversity.com/oprah/

Video: “Benefits of Laughter Yoga with John Cleese,” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0N60nBD-_Mc

Web Special: “Revolutionary “Homefarm” Combines Retirement Homes with Eco-Friendly Vertical Farming” By Sara Barnes discusses an exciting new design for older adults in the island Nation of Singapore  https://mymodernmet.com/spark-homefarm/?fbclid=IwAR3lMXLbi5oUTjIZ358YaBPUqmff_uf_15QRiXT2DM7sTqO-eOo9QE0oS9E

Web Special: Project for Public Spaces (2016): Beyond food – Community Gardens as Places of Connection and Empowerment. A great blog article listing many more benefits of urban gardens. https://www.pps.org/article/beyond-food-community-gardens-as-places-of-connection-and-empowerment

Added Value:  Rudnik, J. 2020. Hardly Silent: Exploring Civic Engagement and Participation among a Panel of Adults Ages 85 Journal of Gerontological Social Work.  https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/01634372.2020.1766627?fbclid=IwAR3uvqRzUWZ2F-wN2hmcBX44Sa7ct90KPIkfv3V2Q0C5e_HcDGGiQziI_I4&<

Added Value:  Wendy Li, Shifting Selves in Migration: home, ageing in place and well-being.  https://www.academia.edu/26243272/Shifting_Selves_in_Migration_home_ageing_in_place_and_well-being?email_work_card=view-paper

CH 35. Kreager; The Structural Vulnerability of Older People in Matrilineal Society: The Minangkabau of West Sumatra, Indonesia

Added Value: “Gendered Support for Older People in Indonesia: A Comparative Analysis,” Elisabeth Schröder-Butterfill et al. 2018. In the International Handbook on Gender and Demographic Processes pp 247-266. Springer Press.  https://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-024-1290-1_17

CH 36. Stafford; Old People Everywhere: The future of age-friendly communities

WHO Age Friendly Cities Project ( https://extranet.who.int/agefriendlyworld/age-friendly-cities-framework/).

Valuing Older People Video ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wmPDlF-ckq0).

Added Value: U.S. Men Are Gathering in Aussie-Style ‘Sheds’  https://www.aarp.org/livable-communities/livable-in-action/info-2019/mens-sheds-in-us.html?cmp=EMC-DSM-NLC-LC-HOMFAM-20190619_LivableCommunities_700500_1032704-061919-F1-mensheds-CTA_Button-CTRL-3837570&mi_u=43289698&mi_ecmp=20190619_LivableCommunities_700500_1032704&encparam=WrKu59bEUHBknKIR6HJXX9EuAxaWYsbggz230DXu114%3d

CH 37. Martinez; Working Together Across Generations: An Experiment in Open Space Design

The Underline ( https://www.theunderline.org).

CH 38. Gusmano; Growing Older in World Cities: Benefits and Burdens

Added Value: Aging Cities series, The Guardian,  https://www.theguardian.com/cities/series/ageing-cities

CH 39. Lamb; Old Age Homes, Love, and Other New Cultures of Aging in Middle-Class India

Added Value: Longitudinal Aging Study in India (LASI)  www.hsph.harvard.edu/pgda/major-projects/lasi-2/

Added Value: Ageing in India: Some Social Challenges to Elderly Care” Abhay Mane, Journal of Gerontology & GeriatricResearch 2016, 5:2  https://www.omicsonline.org/open-access/ageing-in-india-some-social-challenges-to-elderly-care-2167-7182-1000e136.pdf

CH 40. Sokolovsky; Gray as Green: Civic Ecology, Community Gardens and Elders Seeking Healing and Community

Tulip Festival video ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gQy0qJchmZA).

GROWNYC Blog ( https://www.grownyc.org/blog/programs/community-gardens).

Adam Purple’s Garden of Eden (https://vimeo.com/29275235).Hurricane Healing Gardens ( https://vimeo.com/236248212).

Detroit’s AgriHood ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fx8r2cqNtCE).Tilth Alliance ( https://www.seattletilth.org/about).

Added Value programs ( https://rhicenter.org/red-hook-farms/the-farms/).

Garden Mosaics ( https://gardening.cals.cornell.edu/lessons/curricula/dig-art-cultivating-creativity-in-the-garden/mosaic-making/).

Added Value: Egoz, S. & A. De Nardi. 2017. Defining landscape justice: the roleof landscape in supporting wellbeing of migrants, a literature review. Landscape Research, DOI:10.1080/01426397.2017.1363880 To link to this article:  https://dx.doi.org/10.1080/01426397.2017.1363880

Added Value: DOUGLAS, C. and A. Whitehouse. 2020, eds. More-than-human companionship: Growing older with animals, plants, landscapes, and technology. Rutgers University Press.

CH 41. Katz; Spaces of Age, Snowbirds and the Gerontology of Mobility: The Elderscapes of Charlotte County, Florida

Added Value: “Care-takers and place-makers: Old-Age and urban regeneration in Patan, Nepal.” Christiane Brosius. Basel Papers on Europe in a Global Perspective No. 115  https://eterna.unibas.ch/index.php/global_europe/article/view/172/397

CH 42. Tsuji; An Organization for the Elderly, by the Elderly: A Senior Center in the United States

Added Value: “Senior centers: if you build will they come?” Manoj Pardasani. 2019. Educational Gerontology. 44:2:20-133

CH 43. Counts and Counts; Where Are the Bones in Their Noses?

Added Value: “Aging, Health, and Women in West New Britain,” Dorothy A. Counts. 1991. Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology 6:277-285.  https://anthropology.uwaterloo.ca/WNB/AgingHealthandWomen.html